NO CLASS (storm in Rio)
- 8th grade: class profile (blog - HOME)
- 9th grade: class profile (blog - HOME)
- 9th grade: class profile (blog - HOME)
- 8th grade: class profile (cont.)
- 9th grade: class profile (cont.)
- 9th grade: class profile (cont.)
- 8th grade: ED (slides 1, 2, 3) - musical instruments / physical descriptions + p.4 (1) and (4)
- 9th grade: ED (slides 1, 2, 3) - household chores + p.4 (2)
- 9th grade: ED (slides 1, 2, 3) - household chores + p.4 (2)
- 8th grade: ED (slides 5, 6) - physical description / HW: Describe yourself physically.
- 9th grade: ED (slides 4, 5) - Simple Past review / HW: Study list of irregular verbs (book)
- 8th grade: Game (Present Simple) / ED (slide 7) - ex. VIII
- 8th grade: ED (slide 7) - ex. VIII (correction) + Songs (Oscar 2019)
- 9th grade: Present Perfect exercises correction: p. 8, exs 12 to 17 + Songs (Oscar 2019)
- 8th grade: Avaliação Parcial 1º trimestre
- 9th grade: book - p.10, 11 and 12 (used to / vocabulary about education) / p.6, ex. 2
- 9th grade: 9A - "Visita Solidária" / 9B - Exercise correction (p. 10, 11, 12 and 6, ex.2)
- 9th grade: ED (slides 4, 5) - Simple Past review / HW: Study list of irregular verbs (book)
- 9th grade: Game (Have you ever ...) / Present Perfect exercises: p. 8, exs 12 to 17
05/03 - HOLIDAY (Carnival)
07/03 - HOLIDAY (Carnival)
- 8th grade: ED (slide 7) - ex. VIII (Present Progressive) / Hw: book: p.6, exs 1 and 2
- 9th grade: Pres. Perfect review / ED (slide 7) - Exs. VIII (Video about Past Progressive) and IX
- 8th grade: Exercise correction - p.6, exs. 1 and 2 / ED (slide 8) - ex. X
- 9th grade: Past Progressive review / Future with WILL and GOING TO: ED (Slide 8) - ex. XI
- 8th grade: Simple Past - ED (slide 9) - ex. XI, negatives and questions. / Hw: regular and irregular verbs.
- 9th grade: Must and Have to (aff and neg) - ED (slide 9) - HERE / HW: book p.6, exs. 1, 3 and 4.
- 8th grade: HW correction - ED (slide 9) - ex. XI, es regular and irregular verbs. / Game (Kahoot - Simple Past quiz)
- 9th grade: HW correction - book p.6, exs. 1, 3 and 4. / Compounds (slide 10, ex. XIV)
07/03 - HOLIDAY (Carnival)
- 9th grade: Must and Have to (aff and neg) - ED (slide 9) - HERE / HW: book p.6, exs. 1, 3 and 4.
- 9th grade: HW correction - book p.6, exs. 1, 3 and 4. / Compounds (slide 10, ex. XIV)
- 9th grade: book - p.10, 11 and 12 (used to / vocabulary about education) / p.6, ex. 2
- 8th grade: Book: p. 6 and 7, exs. 3 to 7 (Simple Past)
- 9th grade: 9A - "Visita Solidária" / 9B - Exercise correction (p. 10, 11, 12 and 6, ex.2)
- 8th grade: Projetc work (Africa)
- 9th grade: Project work (Graffiti)
- 8th grade: Comparatives and superlatives - ED (slide 10), exs. XIII and XIV
- 9th grade: 9B - "Visita Solidária" / 9A - Exercise correction (p. 10, 11, 12 and 6, ex.2) + ED (slides 11 and 12)
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